Friday, January 20, 2006

You know when...

You know you've become an expert at typing when you can type the weird "Verification Words" on the comments window without looking at the keyboard :P


Anonymous said...


mayya said...

remember the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog :p

Anonymous said...

s!d: You failed the test :P

mayya: Well, uhh, I never really said I took typing classes or used those software :P

Raheel Lakhani said...

uite an observation you have man!! btw there is some mistake Sid failed TERRIBLY.. you forgot to write that word.

Btw wherez vaanya?

Anonymous said...

Raheel: s!d did, ab mein aur kya kahoon :P

Vaanya is here, with us, she's in Pakistan these days :)

Will feature soon inshALLAH!