Starting Hourlies
Voila! Mids aka Hourlies have started. Till three weeks ago they were called mid-terms, now since the structure has changed so I guess the name has too. I mean it isn't formal yet, but more people now refer to it as hourlies, since the one and a half hour exam is now of only an hour. Course content is like the same, question complexity and content is the same, you have to complete it in less time though. Another boon for the much deprived beings-of-earth called FASTians. FAST is like that, its just FAST. It wont slow down for anyone, not even the former dean. Differential Equations was effectively f'ed up today. My preparation (ofcourse according to me) was wholesome, the paper was just not right (or maybe it was!). Didnt complete most of the questions, those I did I am not really sure of whether they were solved correctly. I am starting to think of dropping the course, but I hear there is no reimbursement. Couldnt let ten thousand bucks go down the drain, maybe I should just start to devote more time on DE. Computer Communications went awesome. The questions were conceptual, the paper was designed to fit in the one-hour time slot perfectly. Tomorrow remains the Computer Architecture exam which according to me should go fine. There is still a lot of time available tomorrow morning to revise and update. I hope pipelining and Tomasulo won't take their toll on me :).
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